Wednesday, November 12, 2008

3 Great Ways to Save on Auto Insurance

Here are the best and quickest ways to save on car insurance:

  1. Obey the speed limit or at the very least stay within 8 miles per hour of the posted speed limit. I have a few cop friends and they have told me that they and most police give a 10 mile per hour speed cushion before issuing a citation. If you get a moving violation, it will affect your record negatively in most states and eventually trickles down to the insurance report and results in increased auto insurance rates.
  2. Drive safely on the roads. Nothing will have a greater negative impact on your driving record like an auto accident will! If it is your teen getting auto insurance for the first time you may want to create a sort of incentive program for them. Let them know that they will get $100 or something that is rewarding if they drive safely for six months or one year ... The hundred dollars may seem to be a but much but try paying double the current rates for your teen if they were to get in an accident.
  3. Use safety features in your automobile. Some of these features may include: dual sided air bags, side air bags, driver side and passenger side restraint and/or airbag system, etc... Insurance companies love these safety features and will often provide a 10% to 20% reduction in your current auto insurance rates.
These are just a few tips on how to save money on your auto insurance rates. I have provided a link below on how to save huge money on your auto insurance. May you find safety on the roads ahead of you.

Ps: I wonder if some of you can do that. I know its not easy. :)


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